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Meet potential customers

Get the word out about your business



Provide business/organization name, contact information, booth size/location, and passes needed

Understand rules and regulations for Meeker County Fair and Minnesota Department of Revenue

Operator Certificate of Compliance showing MN tax ID number

3. Copy of Insurance

All vendors must have general liability insurance naming Meeker County Ag Society as an additional insured

3. Copy of Insurance

4. Payment

Payment must be MAILED to:

Brandon Farber

710 N. Holcombe Ave.

Litchfield, MN 55355

Checks made out to:

Meeker County Ag Society

5. Copy of Menu

6. Picture of Food Truck, stand, or Company Logo

In order to participate as a vendor, ALL OF THESE STEPS must be fully completed and received by our Vendor Chairperson:

Forms and pictures can be mailed or emailed to Brandon Farber
(Step 4. Payment must be MAILED)

710 N. Holcombe Ave.

Litchfield, MN 55355

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